Molinism for the (beginning) Aspiring Theologian
For someone who didn’t grow up in church, the term Molinism sounds like a word Webster Dictionary just made up. However, once you spend some time in a church setting, this term or the idea surrounding it may eventually come up. So, what is Molinism and how does it relate to the bigger picture? There are two main elements to Molinism; “God has middle knowledge of counterfactuals of creaturely freedom and agents are possessed of libertarian free will.” (Smith & Limanto) To break that down in even simpler terms, middle knowledge means between natural and free knowledge regarding God’s creative process. A counterfactual is simply a conditional statement and when referring to “creaturely or agent,” the author is referring to living things. Libertarian free will is not referring to political beliefs but is the “conjunction of a rejection of compatibilism along with the claim tha...