Conversion Accounts in the Book of Acts

I am currently in my sophomore year of Bible college studying towards an associates degree in Christian Ministries. I am on track to graduate in the spring and have the pleasure of being enrolled in “Acts and the Early Church” this semester. One assignment was to write a paper on eight of the main conversion accounts in the book of Acts, followed by a simple paragraph on how to become a Christian. I found this assignment helpful in outlining some main events in the book of Acts and thought I would share it. What conversion account do you find to be the most powerful? Do you agree with the paragraph at the end of how to become a Christian? Who comes to mind that you can share this good news with?

The Jews on Pentecost Acts 2
When everyone was all together, a strong wind filled the house and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. This enabled them able to speak in tongues and it caused quite a scene. Many people thought they were drinking but Peter used this as an opportunity to preach the gospel. He recited scripture and told the crowd to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins and then the Holy Spirit will come upon you.  3,000 people followed these teachings this day, accepted the gospel, and Jesus as their Lord and Savior and were baptized in response.

Simon the Sorcerer Acts 8
Simon was a sorcerer before choosing to follow Jesus and many people followed him before this as well. Simon came to believe after hearing Philip and they were all baptized. Peter and John were laying hands on these new believers and they received the gift of the Holy Spirit. When Simon saw this, he offered money while trying to buy the Holy Spirit. Peter told him to repent of this wickedness and pray to God that he may be forgiven for this, for the Holy Spirit is not something that can be bought. Simon didn’t argue in response but instead asked Peter to pray on his behalf so nothing would be missed or forgotten in the prayer.

Ethiopian Treasure Acts 8
An angel of God directed Philip to an Ethiopian official that was traveling from Jerusalem to Gaza. He shared some scripture with him from the book of Isaiah and told him the good news of Jesus. They were traveling along the road and came to some water. The Ethiopian responded by saying “What is stopping me from being baptized?” and made the chariot stop. Philip baptized him and the Spirit immediately took away Phillip. The Ethiopian eunuch went away rejoicing and sharing the good news of Christ.

Saul Acts 9, 22, & 26
Saul was a large influence when it came to persecuting Christians. While he was on the road to Damascus, a light from Heaven blinded him and asked him why he persecuted him. Saul calls out saying “Who are you, Lord?” Without knowing it was God, he still called him “Lord.” He was told to go to the city, Saul was obedient. Ananias came to him in the name of Jesus and announced that he would be healed in the name of Jesus. Saul was filled with the Holy Spirit and scales fell from his eyes so his eyesight was restored. Saul’s name was changed to Paul when the Holy Spirit came upon him.

Cornelius & his household Acts 10
Before this, while Cornelius was praying an angel of the Lord had told him to fetch Peter and he was obedient. When Peter got there, Cornelius fell to his feet in reference but Peter insisted he was only a man himself and to get up. Peter then shared the gospel message with all the family members who had gathered in Cornelius’ house that day and the Holy Spirit came among them. They were speaking in tongues and praising God. They were baptized in the name of Jesus. Peter stayed with a couple days afterward.

Lydia Acts 16
       Paul, Silas, and Timothy on the Sabbath went outside the city gate to the river expecting to find a place to pray. They began to speak to a woman who gathered there named Lydia. She sold purple cloth and was a worshiper of God. He opened her heart to the message and her and all the members of her household were baptized. She invited Paul, Silas, and Timothy to her home and insisted if they considered her to be a believer in the Lord to stay with her.

Jailer Acts 16
Paul and Silas were thrown in prison for healing a young girl of an evil spirit. While singing hymns to God and praying, there was a violent earthquake and all the prisoner's chains were broken. The jailer drew his sword, about to kill himself, but Paul stopped him since they had not let left the jail. The jailer asked Paul what must he do to be saved since he was listening to the prayers sung earlier. Paul said to believe and he and all of his household will be saved. He then shared the gospel with him and in response; the jailer took him to his house, cleaned their wounds and was baptized. The jailer and his whole household had come to believe in Jesus. They set a meal before them and were filled with joy.

Ephesians Acts 19
While Paul was in Ephesus, he asked the believers if they received the Holy Spirit when they believed. They said they had never heard of the Holy Spirit. He responded by asking what baptism they had received. They had received John’s baptism which Paul explained was a baptism of repentance so they were all baptized again in the name of Jesus. Paul placed his hands on them and they all received the Holy Spirit, spoke in tongues and prophesied.

How to become a Christian
         To become a Christian one first typically encounters Jesus in some way. Whether through healing, hearing the gospel, divine encounter between believers or a realization or the need for repentance. Then they have a decision to accept or reject what they just heard. The Bible does share about the numbers of people who were saved, but that doesn’t include the people who heard the same message or witnessed the same miracle and choose not to believe. Repentance of one's sins is significant in this as well. You see many of these people turning away from what they were doing previously because they accepted Christ. For example, the jailer washing the wounds he has previously caused. Baptism of the Holy Spirit was present in every story and remaining faithful is important as well. Someone may accept Christ in a moment, but it is the daily decision to take up their cross and follow him that truly matters.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
Acts 1:8


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