PRACTICAL ADVICE for Growing Closer to God

I posted a YouTube video this week about how to get closer to God. I recommend watching that first for some basic information. Check it out here:
This blog post is going more in depth. I hope it blesses you and let’s get started!
I think it’s important to keep in mind that our time here on earth is a journey with Christ. There is no end destination and you will be on walking with Christ for as long as you choose to, hopefully, that is until the end of your time here on earth. There will be ups and downs. These tips are to hopefully help you draw near to him while you are here on earth.
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” Genesis 1:1
    Whenever I think about how the same God created heaven and earth and everything in between, it makes him seem so far away. My mind can feel frazzled when I attempt to comprehend God’s and his greatness… But he has numbered the hairs on my head and Proverbs 8:17 says  “I love all who love me, those who search will surely find me.” Whether you have never stepped foot into a church, or you go to church every day, this verse reminds us that if you search for God, you will ALWAYS find him. We also can’t forget to talk about the parables of the Lost Coin, Lost Sheep or the Prodigal Son in Luke chapter 15. All 3 stories share about God’s love for us and his desire to have a relationship with each of us. He leaves the 99 to find the 1.
    Having a relationship with Christ means you believe in him and have chosen to honor and follow him with your life. This can look like a million different things but if you use the Bible as your ultimate guidebook, you can’t go wrong. Other believers may be able to answer questions you have, but if you want a relationship with Christ, you have to put the effort in yourself. Accepting what you are reading in the Bible as truth and know that God always does, and always will want a personal relationship with you can be great first steps.  
Let’s talk Practical Application.
If you are frequently surrounded by people that do things that do not honor God, watch movies that are inappropriate, listen to music with foul language, never spend time reading your Bible or praying, but still wonder why you don’t feel God working in your life, you shouldn’t be. He always is by our side and no sin is ever too big to be forgiven, but you have to make a conscious & daily effort to have a relationship with Christ. Evaluating what’s getting in your way of that is a good place to start. I don’t feel the need to sit here and scold you over the little choices you are making in your life, like what music you listen to, and what shows you are watching. However, I promise, making these little changes in your life can truly transform your faith.
A phrase I once heard about this idea is; you are what you eat. If you are constantly eating junk food and pizza and soda, you aren’t going to feel your best all the time versus if you were eating fruits, vegetables and living an active lifestyle. Similarly, if you are filling your mind with worldly junk, instead of heavenly things, you won’t reap the benefits. (Colossians 3:2)
I encourage you to try honoring God with every aspect of your life so you can see how rewarding it can be. When I stopped listening to secular music when I had other options, I was constantly being filled with the word of God through music and was able to worship much more frequently. When I stopped watching TV shows and movies that I know didn’t support purity and weren’t honoring God, it allowed me opportunities to search out and find incredible shows that do honor God. (I promise they exist!) It isn’t going to be easy going against the world, but it will always be worth it.
All relationships require effort, including the relationship between you and your heavenly father but it’s not complicated or hard to do. The more time you spend in the Bible, the more you learn about God. Not just about the Bible, but about the author. When you first start reading the word; guided Bible studies, daily devotional books or apps come in handy. When you are ready to start reading the Bible on your own I would first figure out what translation of the Bible you have. Some are much easier to read than others. If you own a version that is too hard but don’t want to buy a new Bible right away, there are so many free Bible apps with different translations. My favorite is the “YouVersion Bible” and my favorite translation is New International Version. They also have hundreds of amazing daily devotionals over so many topics!
PRAYER! The first time Jesus called God our “heavenly father”, he used the word “Aba” which is commonly translated to “father”. However, a more exact translation would be “Papa or Daddy”. Personally, when I think of “Father” it sounds so formal and almost strict, so I often refer to God as my “Heavenly Papa” or “The Big Guy in the Sky,” to remind myself to not take it too seriously. It’s easier and more comfortable for me personally to talk with my heavenly Papa, versus my heavenly Father. Yes, when you're praying you are chatting with the creator of the universe, but you’re also talking to your creator, and your dad, and that’s something incredibly special. Your Heavenly papa is always just a prayer away.
We weren’t meant to spend life alone. I can’t stress enough how powerful having Christ-centered friendships, that both encourage and support you while holding you accountable can be in some’s walk with Christ. I would be careful that you are still going to church and pursuing a relationship with Christ for yourself, not to appear a certain way to others. We are all equal in God’s eyes and He judges us by our intentions. It can be difficult to find and make those Christ-centered friendships and we’ll talk more about this later. For now, just know that it’s worth the effort to have intentional relationships with other believers.
    Choosing to follow God isn’t always the popular choice, but I promise it’s the right one.


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